Monday, August 11, 2008

I Blame Bobby

I know I can't blame Bobby for my blatant addition of letters to words, such as adding u's and q's to words, or even my more recent turning Pogues into Progues, but I can blame Bob for this verbal slip:
"You can catch more honey with flies...."

It's so reminiscent of "Let's spill," "I'm forced to agree with myself," and "Open mouth insert tongue," and definitely all his fault!


Anonymous said...

:-) It was really wonderful to see you and Bobby this past weekend! And I'm glad you two got to meet Daniel. ::hugs::

Goof Troop Ag said...

It was good to see you guys, too! Daniel is getting so big -- we should have stopped by to see you guys, but we get so preoccupied with our own schedules. :)