Well, after I finished I pulled out Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis to procrastinate the remainder of my work day and started looking at the list of quotes that was slowly accumulating on my makeshift bookmark. I don't normally keep quotes from books on my bookmarks, but I always hate when I read a great line and can never remember what it was -- so I thought this time I'd write them down.
Here's what I've got this far:
(pg 29) The statement that there is any such thing, and the statement that there is no such thing, are neither of them statements that science can make. And real scientists do not usually make them.
(pg 71) God is no fonder of intellectual slackers than of any other slackers.
(pg 112) If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.
Now if only I could convince the rest of the world of the accuracy of these statements.... Another day perhaps.
Here's another quote from _Mere Christianity_ that you may relate to (it certainly does for me):
"After all, real things are not simple."
Sometimes I wish life were simpler, less complicated... but then I remember this quote and realize just how true it is.
That one did strike when I first read it, but since my current profession is engineering I have a tendency to simplify -- so to say so is to go against my first order nature.
Of course, this is also the basis for why I always tell Bob engineers are not too bright (actually I say stupid, but that's not very nice and I feel like a self-hater) -- they are only capable of simplifying. That is the point of engineering, though, to simplify for design, otherwise we'd spend eternity trying to effectively design a single bolt. Anyway, that's what safety factors are all about. :)
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