After months of intense exercise/starvation, my brother is scheduled to swear into the U.S. Army tomorrow morning in Dallas. If everything goes according to plan and his weight is under the limit, as his recruiter claims it is, he is scheduled to ship off to Fort Jackson, South Carolina next Tuesday.
I’m kind of at a loss for words on what to say concerning him joining the military. Emotionally I feel as though I’ve been put through a ringer. Not because I disapprove of military service, because I was set to join the military, had taken the ASVAB and was regularly talking to a recruiter until I got accepted to A&M, well, that and I let a stupid boy get in the way of my plans, but because he’s my little brother and I worry about him. My feelings on the war in Iraq aside, the thing I fear the most is losing him. I couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life without one of my best friends around, because even though he’s been a huge source of frustration for me in recent the past, he makes my world a brighter place just by being in it. Not to mention how much I’d miss the phone calls just to tell me corny jokes.
My recent experience has made be realize how true "Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering" is, because I quickly traversed that path emotionally. It took him telling me that his AIT training would be in San Antonio and that he may take advantage of the additional training programs the Army has for me to simmer down and release some of the tension that had built up in my back and shoulders.
If you take out my fear for his well being and fear of losing him, I’m immensely proud of him. He’s lost so much weight, more than 30 lbs in 2-3 months that I’m just blown away by his determination and drive. Of course, I always knew he had it in him and told him so repeatedly, but for so long he seemed hesitant and unsure what to do with his life that this "NEW JOE" just knocks me back a bit where I just stare at him in wonder.
Plus, he couldn’t have picked a more admirable career to pursue in the military than the one he did. After Basic is over, he’s scheduled to begin classes at the medical training facility in Fort Sam Houston. Not only will he be close, but he’ll be pursuing the career that will give him better opportunities when he leaves the service than what most of the college graduates I know had when they graduated. His first step is to get Medic training and afterwards he plans to enter into either the RN or Physicians Assistant program. Of course, even if he stops after medic training it would still qualify him to be a paramedic, where his future career potential will be high.
I still worry about him and I hope we still have time to hang out but most of all, I want him to know how proud I am of him and that I wish him the best as he heads to Dallas to swear in tomorrow morning and as he heads to South Carolina for basic next week.
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